Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday, Back to Reality

Ok y'all, this is gettin' good. I mean wow. I took a turn in so many directions on my opinions on Monday, it's just unreal!!!

Again, South Africa, really??? They are legitimately trying to turn vacation jealousy into a raging inferno. I want to go there so bad and stay in that tree house in the middle of the grasslands!!! OH MAN! Way too cool.

Okay, date by date break down of the night:

Chantal: I liked her better this episode, but not enough. She says "like" WAYYYY too much. Although I will say that she was way less emotional and seemed really laid back and happy to be there. I just feel like when I am watching their conversations, it's like those nasty water bugs that just float along the surface. They never go deeper than that and the small talk is getting annoying. I just don't know that she's lived enough of the "hard" life to have really gone through anything major- of course we can't really know that from reality tv. Still, I found her date kinda boring honestly. It was like yeah okay that happened let's get to the good stuff!!!

Emily: How can you not be in love with this girl? I LOVE her. Seriously. She always looks amazing, she talks slow and sweet, she has beautiful (although it borders on too much SOMETIMES) make-up, her hair is a gorgeous shade of blonde and she is a single mom. There is something to be said about that!! She was so open and honest with Brad, and I know that had to be scary for her. BUT- the most shocking thing about this date??? What Brad said back. When he told her he was breaking the rules to tell her that he's falling in love with her, he looked so much more dead serious than I have seen him at any other point. There's only been DEEP issues with Emily- no over-emotional-needy-tears, just honest-to-goodness let's figure this thing out talk. We all decided that Brad is at a point in his life where he actually is done "having fun". Yeah, any guy is going to get after that on a show like the Bachelor, because they are guys what can you expect- but at the end of the day, I think he really wants a family. He wants to be serious. He wants to grow something real and permanent. Oh Lord, listen at me talk about Brad that way. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Ashley: Boy was this date drama-central. It started off well I thought and Ashley was her usual bubbly self. But man, did she dig her own grave or what??? I mean DUH GIRL, COME ON, at this stage in the game, if you can't tell the Bachelor that you would move to wherever he is, then you just bought yourself a one way ticket outta there. Now, don't get me wrong- if that's NOT what you want to do, then you for sure you better be honest about it! BUT: Don't act SURPRISED and turn stone-cold when he tells you that he's trying to figure out a future and if you fit together. I mean literally, she just stopped talking. And started making really bratty, put-off faces. Then tried to say that she was confused and didn't understand. What I didn't understand was how she could NOT understand what Brad was asking- poor thing, saying he must be communicating poorly. Uh WHAT?? No. Ashley was just being dumb or ignorant. It showed her true, young colors.

SPOILER ALERT: So Brad takes Ashely off to the side at the rose ceremony to talk with her. I mean mentally, she's left already. She didn't even give her own self a chance to get the rose. She didn't try to work it out, she just flat out gave him the cold shoulder and made some really unattractive faces. Maybe she realized that Brad really didn't fit in her life, and just acted like that to save face. Whatever it was, she looked kinda ridiculous and could have taken it all a lot more gracefully.

So that leaves us with Chantal and Emily. I think we all know who we WANT to win. But thanks to some confusing editing AND conflicting reports of who he actually ends up with, I think we are in for a VERY exciting finale show. I hope the NEWEST rumors I'm hearing are true!!

As for next week, it is the Women Tell All show. Just as I hoped Michelle will be there!!! And Ashley will be back...with hopefully a new attitude.

Blog friends, hang in there, just 2 weeks (said in Chris Harrison voice) "til the exciting conclusion of.....THE BACHELOR!!!

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