Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, Back to Reality

I am terribly sorry that this is coming a day late...I watch the Bachelor with my mom and some woman-friends and we were just having too much fun last night and I got home way late!!!

This week's ep on The Bachelor was definitely not without its drama! As the pool of women gets smaller, the drama just seems to get bigger- add an insane manipulator to the bunch and you've got yourself a drama-bomb! Hmm, I think I just created a new term.

So let's see here...*warning, spoiler ahead!* I just KNEW, once Brad was down to Michelle and Jackie, that he was going to pick Michelle even though she has got some serious mental disorder tendencies. She's got him with the sex appeal, and I mean come on, that's like dangling a carrot on a stick in front of a starving rabbit. He's gonna take the bait! It was truly sad to see Jackie go because I thought she had a lot of class.

Side note: WHO WANTS TO GO TO COSTA RICA? Everyone should be raising their hands. It looks so unbelievably awesome there (while also looking extremely humid). I would have repelled down that waterfall in a heartbeat and went down that zipline as fast as they could get me hooked in.

Okay, so back to the drama. I was thinking last night...I wonder if the producers/people who work on the show feed little whispers into the bachelorettes' ears in between takes? Some of the things they "latch onto" like all of the "deep thinking sleuthing" Chantal O. was doing was a little far fetched to me. I'm kind of like...are they really that observant and deductive to figure out such things as they did with the whole Michelle-giving-Brad-grief issue? My best guess is that yes, the little drama queens are spurned and churned into "critical thinking."

Alright, time for this week's "Kudos&K,what?"!!!
-Emily, of course, for being so cute in that maxi dress she was wearing on the cocktail party night. She is just so freakin' adorable! Who can stand it!??
-Jackie, for not throwing herself a sob 'n snot party when she got sent home. She was respectfully upset, and still classy.
-Britt, for hangin' in there man. She hardly gets any time, but she lays low and you gotta love that. Looks like from the previews that she gets some date time next week!
-Costa Rica, for being beautiful and awesome.
-Shawntel, for pulling that sneaky little "quiet game" move...it was actually pretty cute!!

-Michelle. Again. For everything. But especially for contradicting herself about everything she says..."I'm telling you to make this decision." "I didn't tell you to make the decision...I said make it on your own." "I'm not trying to give names." "SEND CHANTAL HOME!"
-Ali, for throwing that glass with admirable force when coming within 5 feet of a beetle about 3/4 of an inch long. She is REALLY afraid of bugs.
-Ali, again, on her date, for responding to the question "Do you think you'd ever live in a big city?" with, essentially, "Oh no, people in big cities think they're all that and they are totally not. Big cities are stupid." Do you even know ANYTHING about Brad? Have you ever HEARD of Austin, TX?
-The cameramen, for your awkward close ups of big 'ol tongue kisses. Gag me.

There you have it, folks. Another week closer to the big day. Who will Brad choose?!??! And does anyone really care??? We all know that the drama-filled-journey is better than the anti-climactic destination!

Til next time, blog friends.

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