About Me

First things first: My name is not Jill. This blog was born late one night during a brainstorming session between my hubby and I, as I expressed my frustration with wanting to blog but liking too many things to just choose one angle. He suggested (and actually a friend of mine had told me this as well) that my love for many things be my theme. I like it. And so, I said..."I'm the jack of all trades....NO!....the JILL of all trades!" And there you have it.
My collection of things that bring me my daily dose of emotions, whatever that may be. Don't expect a whole lot of order in all this, but do expect some fun. And maybe some interesting, entertaining, worthwhile things. The beauty of it is...pick what you like, for there will be much to choose from!

I live in Texas with my husband of just over a year who does magic things like fly airplanes. He also is pretty loving of me, who can be a handful and a half depending on the hour. We have a pet "Feeshie"who is the happiest little Betta you'll ever see. We like our church, our friends, celebrating anything over food, laying on the couch on weekends, and laughing til we can't breathe. I teach 8th and 9th graders, which is a trip and I love every second of it. From time to time you may find quotes on this blog from them, because they're usually great. If there's anything else you want to know, subscribe to my blog, read it every day, then e-mail me your question. Just kidding, you don't have to do all those other things first ;-)

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