Sunday, October 30, 2011

We've Moved!...and We're here.

Hey guys, thanks for following me over here. I wanted to re-name my blog to help me define the direction I wanted to go in with it...which ironically, is kind of NOT a direction at all! I'm a self-proclaimed randomhead, and I decided that THAT would be my blog's purpose. To bring you all of what goes in my brain, what I like, what I watch, what I do, what I copy others doing.....this is where I get my joy in life, so maybe out of the randomness you will find a diamond in the rough! Nothing too much will change, I'm just going to be incorporating lots of things into one place- my makeup faves, reality tv show rants, pictures, etc. I hope you enjoy it! I hope you'll subscribe and visit often, and follow "Jill" on twitter, since you know, now I'm the "Jill" of all trades...Yes, it's undeniably nerdy and thus, undeniably me. =)


  1. Will you give us the link to your Twitter page? I can't find you.

  2. It is on the social media page...sorry I forgot to mention that!! :)
