Friday, February 17, 2012

Makeup: The BeautyBlender

Ok, so I know I promised a feature blog-post about my dear friend's Valentine's Tea Party but I promise this is coming in a couple of days-- I actually got a request to do a tutorial on using the BeautyBlender and I thought I'd do it tonight before I go out of town on a little visit to see my little brother!

If you subscribe to Birchbox (a monthly box filled with deluxe samples delivered to your door...aka FUN) then there is a chance you received a BeautyBlender sponge in your box. I was SO excited to get one because I'd been wanting to try it but wasn't sure about it since they are slightly pricey. However, now that I have one, I think I would be willing to invest....
pink spongy fun!

Here are some quick tips for using your BeautyBlender:

1. Wet the sponge. This makes application easier and also helps to avoid the sponge soaking up a lot of your product. Make sure you ring it out until it is just damp.

2. Dot or swipe your foundation on the main spots of your face with your finger: on your cheeks, sides of nose, middle forehead, sides of forehead, lower jaw line, and chin.

3. Take your BeautyBlender and start to lightly and quickly dab it all over using the bottom fuller rounded side of the sponge, spreading out the foundation with "spackle-type" dabs. *Yes, it will look at first like your foundation will look spotty and like it isn't going to cover your face but trust me it will!

4. Every so often, you can "swipe" the BeautyBlender to even out the coverage. Try to avoid swiping too much or too hard as it might wipe off what you've done, and you want a really natural, pressed finished.

5. The pointed side of the BeautyBlender can be used to blend under the eyes, the sides of the nose (close to your nostrils) and in other parts of your face that you need to be more precise.

6. Blend until you get the coverage you need!

I LOVE the way using this sponge's soft and actually kind of fun to use! Plus, you can just rinse it out once a week like you do your makeup brushes (see a tutorial for washing those here). Hope you enjoy using your BeautyBlender! If you don't have one but want one, you can purchase from Sephora (the two for 25$ is a good deal as this basically replaces your use of a foundation brush). Happy Blending!

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